Devon Hospitals Short Stay School


Welcome to our School

The Devon Hospitals' Short Stay School (DHSSS) provides education for children and young people (aged 4-16) in Devon who are unwell and are not able to attend their usual school.  

We provide education for children and young people who are in hospital at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in Exeter and at the North Devon District Hospital in Barnstaple.

We also have an outreach service which offers continuity of education for young people who are unable to attend school for medical reasons. Our aim is to support students with their education as they get better, helping them build confidence and return to their own school.


Our Outreach Centre is in St Thomas, Exeter, a short walk from St Thomas train station. We also teach students online or in the home if they are unable to attend the Centre for medical reasons.


Laura Webb. headteacher
Laura Webb. headteacher



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