Devon Hospitals Short Stay School



Studying a language opens doors not only to employment, but also to other cultures. The most rewarding thing about studying a language is the opportunity it provides for you to travel and experience new cultures, try new food, listen to new music, watch films and meet new people, giving you a new perspective on your own culture. Languages give opportunities to develop and grow as a person and build personal and communication skills for life.

Pupils are encouraged to have an appreciation of the culture of the country where the language is spoken which could involve food tasting, painting in the style of an artist, exploring the physical and human geography of a country using maps, atlases and the internet, watching short films and listening to stories in the target language, listening to and singing songs.

We work alongside students’ main schools and complement their curriculum offer across Key Stages 2-4. We can support students studying for GCSEs in French and Spanish.  Learning is personalised to suit need and the requirements of the National Curriculum, and a range of other languages can be supported using a variety of resources from textbooks, games and online tools.