Devon Hospitals Short Stay School


How can you really know who you are unless you know where you come from? At the DSSHS we believe that finding out about the past helps our young people to make sense of the present.

History is all about the stories we choose (and have chosen) to tell about the past. Our students explore the past from a variety of different perspectives and learn about the diversity of human experiences and cultures. They question and analyse interpretations and sources of evidence and tackle key concepts like causation, historical significance and change and continuity. We encourage everyone to see that History is all around us; in the Victorian terraced streets surrounding our Outreach Centre and in our amazing NHS hospital sites!

Students learn a broad range of local, national and world history in the hope that we can foster curiosity about the complex nature of the past and how it shapes our world today. We work alongside students’ main schools and complement their curriculum offer across Key Stages 1-4. We are able to support students who are studying for their History GCSE.